Veracode Acquires Phylum, Inc. Technology to Transform Software Supply Chain Security
Operationalize SBOMs, Secure Your Software Value Chain
Achieve internal software value chain observability and know third-party application risks.

SBOM Generation

SBOM Ingestion

Phylum features a robust, flexible suite of capabilities to define extremely granular policies across various attributes of software value chains. This capability enables organizations to clearly define what “acceptable use” means for software described by an SBOM, and enables near-instant feedback on the risks associated that violate policy.
Cyclone DX
Make SBOMs Actionable
Not only can Phylum facilitate seamless collaboration with third-party contributors, but its suite of integrations and its extension framework enable SBOM data to be collected and catalogued without making operational changes to the development workflow. This gives stakeholders visibility into software supply chain security posture and associated risks, and enables continuous monitoring of impacted artifacts to flag new risks, threats, or other issues as they emerge. Phylum also helps automate guidance for the remediation of issues surfaced from a given SBOM, which can quickly streamline the process of addressing and remediating identified issues.

Define policy

Phylum’s policy framework translates business risks and regulatory requirements that drive risk decisions to surface both acute and systemic risks, and filter out findings that don't matter. Policy can be defined for both individual projects or vendors, as well as across entire groups.

Onboard stakeholders
Stakeholders can be onboarded either through direct
invitation, or via a variety of different integration paths.
Phylum also features a robust API and flexible extension framework, enabling deep customization and rapid adaptation to existing workflows and business processes.

Manage findings 

Users can look up historical packages at any time, even after they have been removed from the open-source ecosystem, for incident response, governance or policy adherence purposes.

Continuously monitor for software supply chain threats
Findings and SBOMs can easily be exported for use in other systems and workflows, and changes to policy or issue suppressions can be tracked and audited to ensure continuous compliance.
Phylum Research
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See Phylum Research
Rust Malware Staged on
Phylum successfully identified and stopped the publication of malicious packages to the Rust ecosystem,
Sophisticated, Highly-Targeted Attacks Continue to Plague npm
Packages found communicating with C2 servers waiting for commands from attackers.
Targeted npm Malware steals company source code
Packages uncovered exfiltrating source code to an attacker controlled FTP server...